Category: Car Accidents

A limousine accident that left 20 dead is drawing attention to the lack of regulation for after-market modifications to certain vehicles. The limousine, which was originally a Ford Excursion before it was sawed in half and retrofitted into a limo, blew through a stop sign in the major accident that
With school out nearly everywhere for summer break, the country has fully entered the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers and passengers. In the hundred days that stretch between Memorial Day and Labor Day, teens are injured and killed at a rate double that of others months. Of the ten
People are trained from a young age to be polite and reassuring, so it is no surprise that when a car accident occurs, the instinct is often to downplay the extent of potential injuries when speaking with the person who hit you. Offering the other driver condolences might seem like
Car accidents are always scary. But for a pregnant woman, the fear is amplified by the additional risk to the unborn baby. All accidents, from simple fender-benders to head-on collisions, pose a danger to the developing fetus. In fact, even slamming on the brakes unexpectedly can harm the baby. If
When you are in an accident, it is reasonable to be disoriented, especially in the first few minutes after the collision occurs. You take those moments to gather yourself, make sure that you and your loved ones aren’t too significantly injured, and then you start the process of calling the
Vehicle collision detection systems are becoming more and more commonplace in new cars, particularly higher-end models. These systems come in a variety of forms, but most of them at the very least warn you when you get too close to another vehicle. Some warn you of changes in traffic ahead
Driving in harsh winter weather is never easy. Just look at the massive multi-vehicle crash on Interstate 91 in Connecticut over the weekend which shut down portions of the highway for over five hours. The pile-up of more than 20 cars, a tanker truck and three tractor-trailers sent 30 people
On the heels of reports showing an increase in traffic-related deaths comes news that the number of teenage drivers involved in fatal crashes is also on the rise. Speeding, distracted driving, and poor visual screening were found to be the largest mistakes teen drivers make behind the wheel, contributing to
We see it all the time in the movies. Characters with their sunglasses on, driving with the top down on a clear highway with the sun shining on the horizon. It sounds wonderful but it is hardly reality. Driving while facing the sun, especially at a certain point in the
Obtaining a driver’s license is a rite of passage for many teenagers. It is seen as a gateway to becoming an adult and a symbol of freedom. Do teens realize the dangers and responsibilities that go along with having that license? Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death