ATV Accidents: Unpredictable Factors in Many Cases


There is no amount of money in the world that guarantees nothing bad will happen. This is particularly true in situations where expertise and experience are required to prevent injury or accident. And, even expertise and experience cannot always protect us, as evidenced by plane crashes and other incidents where skilled and experienced individuals are employed.

The 8-year-old niece of singer Britney Spears was hospitalized on February 7th after being involved in an ATV accident. ATV accidents are frighteningly common, and often include individuals under the age of eighteen, such as the singer’s niece. Despite proper protocols and precautions, these types of accidents can be very difficult to predict and prevent. An accident involving the child of a celebrity is a grim reminder that there are factors outside our control that contribute to these types of incidents.

There are three central types of factors that come into play in ATV accidents: mechanical, internal, and external factors. Examples include:

  • Mechanical factors involve the vehicle itself and can be caused by deferred maintenance or faulty manufacturing
  • Internal factors are factors involving the driver, which can include fatigue, inexperience, and intoxication
  • External factors are factors based on the environment, including other drivers, and can include trees, debris, or other drivers engaging in unsafe behaviors

There is no indication that deferred maintenance was a factor in this particular accident. Though some people might note the age of the injured individual, victim-blaming is not the answer. A thorough investigation, taking into account the state of the vehicle and the actions of other drivers in the area, is extremely important.

When taking part in extracurricular activities such as ATV riding, being aware of all the potential risks is important. Staying away from other riders, particularly unsafe riders, is one step you can take to minimize your risks. Proper maintenance of your vehicle is also important. But despite all these precautions, accidents happen.

If you or someone you love has been injured in an ATV accident, determining which factors played a pivotal role in the accident is important. It is easy to focus the blame inward, but all too often there is an external or mechanical factor that contributed heavily to the accident. Please contact a qualified and experienced attorney who can help you navigate that a proper investigation will take place to determine the cause of the incident.

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Finz & Finz, P.C. is a New York and Long Island personal injury law firm based out of Mineola, NY. It was founded in 1984 and is highly rated, with many honors and awards of excellence.